
Hello Amazing People!

I want to say it is a pleasure to have you visit my blog! I love being able to express my thoughts and seeing what can be produced when I put my creativity into action. It is always been a passion of mine to inspire others in embracing and loving themselves the way they were created. So what better way than to create this very blog site.

My journey in social media began about 7 years ago and through that time I have perfected my craft as a digital marketing manager and content creator. Perfection is never the key but excellence is always a goal that I strive for.

My life as a Christian and love for fashion, which allows me to connect on an intimate level with those I come in contact with, led to the creation of The Haute Christian.

The Haute Christian emphasizes true beauty and it’s origination from within, displays luxury and quality brands and provides information on the latest products and trends on the market.

Connect with us during a Haute Session as we go over various topics and stories!

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